Angry Indian Goddesses, produced by Jungle Book Entertainment and presented by Nandish Domlur of Protein Entertainment, is India's first female buddy film.
It revolves around an extended surprise bachelorette weekend for which a bride-to-be invites six of her best friends and the madness that ensues when they come together. There was a suspense in store for the star cast of the film (Sarah-Jane Dias, Sandhya Mridul, Anushka Manchanda, Pavleen Gujral, Amrit Maghera, Rajshri Deshpande and Tannishtha Chatterjee) when they arrived in Goa for the shoot. To ensure that the girls got to know each other well and their camaraderie translated on screen, director Pan Nalin instructed the production team to book them into a bungalow with seven rooms where they would stay for the prep and shoot. Extensive workshops were conducted by associate director Dilip Shankar.
Pan Nalin says, "It may sound strange but when we confine human beings to a space, feelings from deep within start surfacing.It actually didn't occur to me till someone pointed out during a discussion that this was like the Bigg Boss house.And believe me, it is something beyond everyone's imagination when seven women are under one roof for 45 days." Calling the schedule a long slumber party, Sarah says, "We were too busy having fun to fight with one another."
Producer Gaurav Dhingra adds, "It's pleasantly unusual to see such sisterhood in Bollywood. The characters that the actresses play are real, and their bond of friendship is so true to life that I am confident the audience across the country will be able to relate to them."Angry Indian Goddesses releases today.
Friday, December 04, 2015 10:22 IST