The first look of Sajid Nadiadwala's next mega release Dishoom has been revealed and the look has generated a huge buzz among fans. The movie features John Abraham and Varun Dhawan as Kabir and Junaid in what seems to be an action packed chase! The film is slated to release on July 29, 2016. Co-incidentally, Sajid Nadiadwala's blockbuster directorial debut Kick, also released on the same date last year.
Dishoom, which also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, is building a lot of excitement. This action adventure film has been shot in the beautiful locales of the Middle East. The movie recently completed its schedule in the sandy Moroccan valley and the shooting will now proceed to the scenic Abu Dhabi.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Rohit Dhawan, the film is presented by Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015 13:19 IST