While life in flood-hit Chennai is limping back to normalcy with help from the armed forces, megastar Amitabh Bachchan and actress Anushka Sharma have `saluted` the efforts being made by the real life `heroes` to rescue people.
Amitabh and Anushka took to Twitter on Monday to appreciate the efforts made by the Indian Army and Indian Air Force personnel.
`Let us not forget the heroes in the Army and the Air Force that work selflessly for CHENNAI! SALUTE,` tweeted Amitabh.
Anushka even posted a video in which a chopper can be seen airlifting a pregnant woman.
`Chopper airlifts pregnant lady during the #ChennaiFloods. It requires huge skill to airlift while hovering. HATS OFF,` she wrote.
`Salute the armed forces for repeatedly coming to the rescue of nation, selflessly, whenever asked, whatever the situation. LET'S NOT FORGET THIS TOO,` she added.
While the rain has stopped in Chennai, there were showers in some parts of Tamil Nadu, including Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Cuddalore districts on Monday.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015 13:27 IST