Veteran actress Supriya Pathak, who is currently busy juggling her work between TV show `Jaane Kya Hoga Rama Re` and upcoming film `Jeena Issi Ka Naam Hai`, almost fainted while shooting the show.
Supriya, who has been travelling in and out of Mumbai for her work, has assigned 10 days this month to the TV show. But her health has been keeping her occupied.
`Supriya couldn't come to shoot on Sunday as she was very ill and even on Monday she forced herself to come as we had to finish shooting all her portions before she leaves for her religious trip this week with her husband Pankaj Kapur,` said a source from the set of the Life OK show.
`Even after reporting on set, Supriya kept complaining about not feeling too well and finally owing to the outdoor schedule in the burning heat, she almost fainted and was rushed to the hospital to take an injection so that she could resume shoot and finish her portions, or else we would have a problem with the telecast,` the source added.
Supriya is now finishing the remaining part of the shoot before she takes off for a religious trip till end of the month.
Thursday, December 10, 2015 13:30 IST