Deepak Mukut has teamed up Salman Khan proteges Radhika Rao-Vinay Sapru and Himesh Reshammiya for his upcoming musical treat. One is a pair that added the 'Dabangg' touch to Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's cult status - creating some of the most iconic visuals in the star's films including the hearts-in-glares look for Dabangg and equally stunning grand visuals in Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo - and the other has given the Khan some of his biggest blockbuster songs. We are talking about the star-maker jodi of B-Town - Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru and the ace musician Himesh Reshammiya respectively.
And now bringing both these Salman proteges together for the first time is Deepak Mukut. The producer, who is launching his banner Jhoom Jhoom, has teamed them together in the upcoming musical romantic treat Sanam Teri Kasam. The film that launches two new faces - Harshvardhan Rane and the gorgeous Mawra Hocane - a la Radhika-Vinay style with their signature grandeur is touted to be one of the most-awaited musicals early next year. With the masters of creating-larger-than-life characters teaming up with the hit melodious music spinner, the film is already creating a buzz among excited movie-goers and trade who are all eyes and ears for this upcoming musical.
The man behind it all, Deepak Mukut shares that the music itself is the story of the film. `And for this we wanted the best in B-Town. So, who better than Radhika-Vinay, who have given Salman his most beautiful musical Lucky - No Time For Love, to do justice to the music visually on the big screen and who better than Himesh to create the soul-stirring music? It's a brilliant combination!` Talking about the music, he adds, `Himesh's music for the film is fabulous we have roped in some of the best singers too like Arijit Singh, Ankit Tiwari, Himesh, Neeti Mohan, Darshan and few more.`
Well, with the hit record of the star-maker pair Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru for creating the most dynamic visuals and the musical dhamaka created by Himesh, Sanam Teri Kasam surely looks one treat in store for film and music lovers, when it releases in January next year.
Soham Rockstar Enertainment presents Sanam Teri Kasam directed by Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru produced by Deepak Mukut releasing on 22nd January 2016
Thursday, December 10, 2015 13:32 IST