The much-awaited trailer of Director Prakash Jha's upcoming film 'Jai GangaaJal' will be out on December 22nd. Jai GangaaJal showcases the dusty heartland of Central India with protagonist Abha Mathur portrayed by Priyanka Chopra as she examines again the society -police relationship to tell a new story.
There have been a lot of conversations on social media around Priyanka Chopra's powerful look and also on the treatment of the film. Soon after the announcement, #JaiGangaaJalTrailerOn22Dec trended on Twitter creating over 7.9 million impressions. The trailer will set the records straight that the film is ready to ride the success wagon.
Directed by Prakash Jha, Produced by Prakash Jha Productions and Play Entertainment, 'Jai GangaaJal' stars Priyanka Chopra in the lead. The film is slated to release on March 4, 2016.
Friday, December 11, 2015 09:00 IST