This eternal love story is directed by Divya Khosla Kumar and has actors Pulkit Samrat, Yami Gautam, and Urvashi Rautela in pivotal roles. Sanam Re personifies the word love with the most romantic pair of Yami-Pulkit as the lead couple. Further, the film has been painstakingly shot in romantic and stunning locales of Ladhak, Kalpa in Himachal Pradesh and Canada. From shooting in sub zero temperatures with barely any electricity in Kalpa to cycling to the sets in Calgary, the cast and crew has done it all to make this musical love story come alive on-screen. Speaking on the film the pretty and petite director states that, "I am extremely excited for this day as we all have worked tirelessly to make this happen. Sanam Re is a soul stirring love story and is very different from Yaariyan and people will realise the same from the trailer itself. From the script to the songs to the locales, every nuance has been researched thoroughly and the result is for all to see with the trailer."
Divya Khosla Kumar's transition from the youthful Yaariyan to the mature love story of Sanam Re shows immense growth as a director. From the house of India's biggest music production company, T- series, the songs of the movie range from soulful to preppy numbers that are sure to become a rage in the coming weeks. A snippet of the same will be seen as the trailer promises to be one to watch out for! The movie is all set to release in the most romantic time of the year of Valentine's week on Feb 12th, 2016. Sanam Re's trailer will be unveiled on the 16th of December on Youtube.
Says Bhushan Kumar '' Divya's first film Yaariyan was a great success and she has grown as a director with Sanam Re that is an emotional love story with great music. I am confident that Divya will beat the success of her first film with this film."
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 14:06 IST