Noted Bollywood personality, Nikkhil Advani is currently shooting for his upcoming film Guddu Engiineer in the beautiful locales of Varanasi at the Ganga River. Presented by Emmay Entertainment, Guddu Engiineer is a short film marking Nikkhil Advani's 6th movie as a producer. The director revealed, `The film is part of a project in which five directors from India and Pakistan are making short films. Among the Indian directors, there's Tigmanshu Dhulia, Aparna Sen, Ketan Mehta and Bejoy Nambiar apart from me."
Guddu Engiineer will connect with the masses unlike what directors have been doing today. He said, `We think that our world begins and ends in Mumbai. The western influence on Hindi film industry has led to a wide gap between the filmmakers and masses. We are not able to give them films like 'Purab Aur Paschim'. Today films for the masses are being made out of laziness. They make stupid films for them as they believe they deserve these kinds of film. For them (the filmmakers), the masses mean the lowest common factor. They forget that the same masses made Raj Kapoor, Yash Chopra and Manmohan Desai what they were.`
The story revolves around the protagonist Guddu played by Prabuddh Dyma who believes he lives a perfect life with his two great friends, an engineering course and the ideal girlfriend who accepts him for what he is. The sweet journey that Guddu sets on to impress his girlfriend on her birthday also leads him to a threatening path. Bordering on a simple choice that could lead to either love or hate, Guddu finds himself at a crossroad.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 13:04 IST