Director Aanand L Rai and actress Kangana Ranaut share great equation having worked on hit films like Tanu weds Manu and Tanu weds Manu Returns in the past. Recently, he addressed all rumors of a rift between the two and confirmed that they get along very well. According to the rumors, the actress had fallout with the director on the sets of their last film and now Kangana is making attempts to reconcile by sending him feelers. But this is not true.
The director cleared the air and said, `Agreements and disagreements are part of film-making process. But why would Kangana send me feelers at this stage of her career? Also, we have great equations. And who doesn't want to work with Shah Rukh, Salman, Aamir, Varun Dhawan...I will go on taking names...." He further added, "I'd get a call from Kangana's side when that article (regarding Kangana sending him feelers) appeared and I told them not to react.`
Kangana is currently shooting for Rangoon.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 18:00 IST