Actor Irrfan Khan will be sharing screen space with veteran star Waheeda Rehman in his next project "The Song Of Scorpions". Humbled by the opportunity, the internationally acclaimed star says working with the cine icon is Â"like flash back merging into presentÂ".
Irrfan, who is currently shooting for Geneva-based director Anup Singh's film in Jaisalmer, is looking forward to working with her. The actress will be playing the role of the mother-in-law of Irrfan's character in the film.
Â"It's like flash back merging into present. Waheeda ji was not a heroine but a symbol of a perfect woman for me. It's a privilege to work with the celluloid poetry. She is playing my mother-in-law in the film,Â" Irrfan said in a statement.
"The Song Of Scorpions" also stars Iranian beauty Golshifteh Farahani and Tillotama Shome in key roles.
Friday, December 25, 2015 15:19 IST