Divya Khosla Kumar's Sanam Re has been basking in reviews for its magical trailer and title song that has captivated people of all ages. From the stunning locales of Kalpa, Ladakh and Calgary to the tunes of the musical love story, Sanam Re has already carved a niche as a movie to look out for in Feb 2016. With a release date of Feb 12 in the week dedicated to love worldwide, Valentines Week, the story and songs alike are sure to tug at your heartstrings.
Gazab Ka Hai Din by the maestro of soulful numbers, Arijit Singh is yet another romantic song that will be released on the first day of 2016, Jan 1. Gazab Ka Hai Din has been composed by the young sensation in the music world, Amaal Malik And the lyrics have been penned by the versatile Manoj Muntashir. Shot across virgin locales in Canada, the song is as mesmerising as the location. Yami Gautam was thrilled whilst the shooting of this song as the animal loving actress has a special fondness for horses that are central to the song. Pulkit was more thrilled as he got to fulfill a childhood dream of riding a police bike on the sets for this song.
From cycling around the city of Calgary in double bicycles to shooting with Red Indians to learning the skill of kite flying for the song, Yami and Pulkit have done it all! While Pulkit had to master the art of horse riding that too in a shirtless avatar and Yami had to endure the cold in a special blanket shot, the lead pairs hard work and Arijit's limitless talent is sure to make this one the most romantic songs of 2016!
Saturday, January 02, 2016 15:27 IST