The trailer of Fox Star India's upcoming biopic 'Neerja' has been receiving growing appreciation from the who's who of the tinsel town. The gripping trailer has crossed 5 million views on YouTube and Facebook, impressing film lovers, critics and industry veterans like Vir Sanghvi, Amitabh Bachchan, Omar Abdullah to name a few. 'Neerja' became one of the most talked about films on social media soon after its trailer release. With strong performances by Sonam Kapoor, Shabana Azmi and the rest of the cast, the trailer is an impactful portrayal on the life of the courageous Neerja Bhanot.
The brave Neerja Bhanot sacrificed her life while protecting the lives of 359 passengers on the Pan Am flight 73 in 1986. The flight was hijacked by a terrorist organization. Veteran actress Shabana Azmi plays the role of Sonam's mother.
Directed by Ram Madhvani, 'Neerja' is produced by Bling Unplugged and Fox Star Studios, presented by Fox Star Studios, and the movie is slated to release on February 19th, 2016.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016 13:07 IST