Actress Kareena Kapoor says she loved working with director Vishal Bhardwaj in his forthcoming film Omkara so much she wants to star in all his future films.
"Director Vishal Bhardwaj and I have formed a mutual admiration society," said Kareena in an interview.
"I'm going to feature in every single film of his. And if I don't fit into a film of his he's just not going to make it, as simple as that," Kapoor said.
It was not clear if she was joking.
Kapoor starred in Bhardwaj's Omkara, a Bollywood version of Shakespeare's Othello.
The film is set for release later in July.
Bhardwaj is working on a trilogy of Hindi adaptations of Shakespeare.
Omkara is the second, following Maqbool that released in 2003 and was based on Macbeth.
He has not yet talked about his third venture.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 11:21 IST