The much awaited trailer of the upcoming movie Love Shagun was launched today as a part of the cultural festival, Fantasies of SIES College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai. The trailer features Anuj Sachdeva as JD caught in a love net of confusion and drama galore! Love and divorce and this love saga continues until JD finds his life partner.
The film stars, Anuj Sachdeva, Niddhi Subbaiah, Manit Joura, Taran Bajaj, Vikram Kochar, Simpy Singh and Shamin Mannan.
`Love Shagun` is directed by Saandesh Nayak, produced by Isha S Nayak under the banner of Saanvi Nayak Films. The film is scheduled to release on 26th Feb, 2016.
Friday, January 15, 2016 13:56 IST