Varun Dhawan was spotted on Thursday night in the compound of a building in Juhu making merry with a bunch of pals. Since they were playing loud music and it was past 10 pm, a patrolling police van made them stop the music.
Seeing the cops around, some snaparazzi who were in the vicinity reached the spot only to find Varun amidst them. Far from having any pictures clicked, Varun apparently was in a snappy mood.
The snaparazzi was taken aback by his 'unfriendly' behaviour. They wondered why, since any commoner passing by could have also spotted him and taken his pic.
Varun had been spotted with a bandage on his knee for the past few days. He also appeared to be limping. Looks like it has been a quick recovery for the actor as he was spotted working out at a gym in Juhu earlier that day.
Sunday, January 17, 2016 21:00 IST