Actress Kangana Ranaut is currently shooting alongside co-stars Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan for their upcoming film 'Rangoon'. The actress who will seen opposite the actors for the first time ever bonded with Shahid on their love for vegetarian food. The two are not only staunch vegetarians but also completely health conscious. Their common taste helped break the ice between the two on the first day of shoot.
As source close to the unit members said, "In a conversation about food during a sequence where both have to eat whatever is available to them, Kangana said, 'I hope the food is vegetarian' to which a Shahid asked her if she was one. She admitted she had been vegetarian for the last couple of years and had really calmed down since then, apart from losing weight. They even discussed vegetarian meals that give strength and exchanged other food conversations."
Here's wishing the actress all the best for Rangoon!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 21:00 IST