South icon Rajinikanth and media baron Ramoji Rao have been awarded the Padma Vibhushan and actors Ajay Devgn and Priyanka Chopra the Padma Shri. Veteran actor Anupam Kher and singer Udit Narayan were honoured with the Padma Bhushan. The Padma awards, which are announced on the eve of Republic Day, are annually presented by the President at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan in March/April.
On receiving the Padma Shri, Devgn said, "I feel humbled yet elated to receive such an honour from my country. This announcement makes it special for me when I am filming abroad. I would like to acknowledge that the Padma Samman puts extra responsibility on me and I promise to serve my country for as long as I can."
PC, who is in Montreal, was overjoyed on getting the news and said, "Coming from an Army family, it feels all the more special to be bestowed with this great honour. My relatives have not stopped wishing me. My mom is here with me and she is ecstatic. We plan to have a paratha party on sets today. Coming from Bareilly and the kind of background I have, I look at coming this far as an honour. Apart from hard work which I don't think can be replaced, I think what worked for me is sticking to my individuality; not conforming to what other people think is right but going by what I think suits me best."
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 18:00 IST