Aamir Khan, who is riding high on his Fanaa success these days, said to have purchased a property worth Rs 7 crore (Rs 70 million) measuring around 2 acres at Panchgani, the hill station where he got married a few months ago.
The property -- which measures around 9,787 sq metres, roughly 2 acres -- was bought from the current owners Homi and Zia Adanjias for Rs 7 crore. It was built by well known boxer and former army Captain Aspi Adanjia.
He paid Rs 42 lakh (Rs 4.2 million) as stamp duty and Rs 3,000 as registration charges for
the property.
Officials at the sub-registrar's office at Wai tehsil in Satara district were quite taken aback when the film star walked into the old shanty-like office with wife Kiran Rao and lawyers in tow to register the sale.
When contacted an official at registrar's office said, "Though Aamir Khan bought a property at Rs 7 crore as per government valuation, the worth of the property doesn't exceed more than Rs 82 lakhs."
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 14:51 IST