Bollywood actor Shraddha Kapoor had been invited by the authorities of IIT Bombay to visit their Powai campus. They wanted her to interact with the students there. Apparently, the faculty felt that her journey can be inspiring to the students there. So, Shraddha agreed to attend the session. She spent some time talking to the students on February 8.
A source added, `Shraddha was invited to IIT Bombay because the organisers wanted her to inspire the students to pursue their passions. Since she has honed her skills as a singer and dancer, besides being an actor, the students may be intrigued by her journey.`
Shraddha had a good time interacting with the students.
Shraddha will be next seen opposite Tiger Shroff in Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Baaghi'.
Tuesday, February 09, 2016 14:23 IST