Post the super success of Airlift, Akshay Kumar started shooting for Rustom with Ileana D'cruz. Rustom, produced by Zee Studios, Kriarj Entertainment, in association with Plan C Studios, and Cape of Good Films unites Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey for the third time. The duo has added huge excitement to the project with earlier hits like Special 26 and Baby to their credit. Contrary to some reports, no other studio except Zee Studios and Kriarj Entertainment has participated in the funding of the film or has rights to market and tribute the film, these very firmly remain in the hands of the original partners Zee Studios and KriArj entertainment. Zee studios will look after the marketing and distribution of the movie globally.
Everyone is looking forward to the romantic thriller directed by Tinu Desai. went on floors on 5th Jan 2016 and will be releasing on the long Weekend of 12th August 2016 with Independence day.
Monday, February 15, 2016 13:48 IST