Aamir Khan has launched a Paani Foundation to deal with the water crisis in the state. This brings to mind Shekhar Kapur's forever project, 'Paani', which is yet to see the light of the day.
The film is supposed to deal with water shortage and how it will affect relationships between individuals and countries in future. With the project still in limbo, Shekhar perhaps should team up with Aamir now for the film as the water issue links them.
Kapur had announced his dream project over a decade ago. At that time he had pencilled in Vivek Oberoi for the lead role - post the 'Company' (2002) phase.
Then there was buzz about Hrithik Roshan being part of the film and recently, Sushant Singh Rajput's name was tossed around, but things did not take off.
Saturday, February 20, 2016 14:08 IST