The Baahubali actor gives special emphasis to his family and every Sunday the morning tea is prepared by Prabhas himself.
The mother and son share a very special bond and the actor is very attached to his mother.
He removes time from his hectic schedule, and has reserved all Sunday mornings for his mother.
Both of them sit together and catch up on the minutest happenings in each other's lives.
This tradition is very special and close to the actor as well as for his mother.
His last magnum opus, Baahubali was mega block buster. The movie took the box office to storm with its amazing performance.
The actors performance has been much talked about.
Whenever the actor is away shooting he picks up memoirs of the place for his mother.
The two look forward to Sunday's as they spend time from morning to afternoon, the tea is followed up by a special date with his mother.
Prabhas is currently vesting all his time and energy for the sequel and is completely involved in the preparation.
The actor is leaving no stone unturned to delivered another path breaking performance.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 11:54 IST