After getting immense accolades for his exceptional look in Omung Kumar's Sarbjit, the dedicated actor Randeep Hooda started shooting in Punjab recently . The actor, who has known to shed oodles of weight to get into the character and was also unrecognized by the director Omung Kumar on the first day of shoot, recently startled all the people of Sarbjit's village too!
Since the story is based on a family from Punjab, the director has chosen locations which are relevant to the events in Sarbjit's life. According to a source from the sets, when Randeep Hooda came on set donning Sarbjit's avatar, the villagers who were gathered around the set got really emotional. Randeep's look was so realistic that it took villagers down the lane to their old pleasant memories with Sarbjit and got a bittersweet smile. That's not all! An old villager who was close to Sarbjit also called out Randeep as Sarbjit. The emotional moment turned into a happy one when the kind hearted Randeep acknowledged all this love by spending time with villagers who were waiting just to have word with him.
Talking about it a source from the sets confirms, `It was a really emotional moment for all the villagers as they could see a lot of Sarbjit in Randeep. His body language and look is just like Sarbjit before he accidentally crossed over to Pakistan in 1990. It was a nostalgic moment for villagers as the recalled the image of Sarbjit after so many years.
Incidentally, the cast and crew along with the lead stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Richa Chadha recently shot for an important sequence in Golden Temple, Amritsar where the lead female stars meet Sarbjit's wife Sukhpreet and daughter Poonam.
Thursday, February 25, 2016 12:49 IST