It seems that Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has a huge fan following around the world, has been followed by his fans everywhere. One such incident took place in a washroom when an 'insane' fan asked the actor for a 'selfie'.
`I am in awe of the numbers and the communications and the desire to document age life history and pronounce themselves a part of it by that dreaded 'selfie',` Amitabh posted on his blog.
`The latest encounter took place at a public washroom... yes a washroom, with attendants... Wants a 'selfie'... Really, are you insane, I mean how can you ever imagine that I would agree to this."
`Step outside buddy, out of the 'standings of relief', and away from a region where everyone has the same agenda and concentrating on getting their aim right .. Right?` the `Piku` actor added.
Amitabh will next be seen in 'TE3N' alongside Vidya Balan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Thursday, February 25, 2016 20:00 IST