Bollywood celebrities like Mahesh Bhatt, Satish Kaushik and Juhi Chawla have welcomed "Munna Bhai" actor Sanjay Dutt, who finally walked out a free man from the Yerwada Central Jail in Pune on Thursday morning after serving a 42-month prison term in a March 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case.
The actor was sentenced to undergo five years' rigorous imprisonment for illegal possession of arms.
Stars and designers like Masaba Gupta and Sajid Khan are "thrilled" upon his return, and took to Twitter to share their thoughts.
Here's what they said:
Satish Kaushik: Welcome Sanjay Dutt. Trauma is over... Law has taken its course... New man, New life... Congrats to the family. God is great.
Rishi Kappor: Welcome back to the grind! Make some memorable movies now!
Mahesh Bhatt: Homecoming !!! Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two, Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four, Lord I'm five hundred miles (NAAM).
Juhi Chawla: Welcome back Sanjay! Very very happy for all the Dutt family! Wish Sanjay all god's blessings!
Masaba Mantena: "There is no easy walk to freedom"... Indeed! A wonderful thought. Thrilled for Sanjay Dutt and this family. Must be an irreplaceable feeing.
Sajid Khan: The ordeal is over. Debt to society has been, friends, fans have waited for this day. Welcome home Baba!
Ranvir Shorey: Paying for one's mistakes is the kind of stuff heroes are made of. Welcome back, Munnabhai.
Friday, February 26, 2016 13:45 IST