Sonam Kapoor-starrer `Neerja` has taken off at the Indian box office on a good note. The film, based on the life of Neerja Bhanot who sacrificed her life while saving passengers on board hijacked Pan Am flight 73, has minted over Rs.38 crore since its release.
According to a statement from the makers, the film, which released on February 19, has registered business of Rs 38.47 crore till now. The first weekend collection was Rs. 22.01 crore.
The film has since seen a steady growth. The day-wise figures are Monday Rs.3.7 crore, Tuesday Rs 3.41 crore, Wednesday Rs. 3.14 crore, Thursday Rs. 3.06 crore, and Friday Rs 3.15 crore, bringing the total to Rs 38.47 crore, read the statement.
The film, which also also stars Shabana Azmi and Shekhar Ravjiani, has received an overwhelming response both critically and commercially.
Produced by Fox Star Studios and Bling Unplugged, the film, directed by Ram Madhvani narrates Neerja's act of bravery.
Sunday, February 28, 2016 21:00 IST