Parvin Dabas is all set to make a comeback with director Vikram Shankar's upcoming film, 'Jab Tum Kaho' where he plays the role of a mature Delhi boy. But in order to fit the role, we hear that Parvin had to put on 10 kgs of weight since the director felt he looked too young for the role.
Confirming the same, Parvin Dabas said, `Yes, Vikram felt I looked too young to play a slightly mature character and I looked like the rest of the younger boys so he asked me to put on some weight so I could look older than them...I'm still trying to lose the extra weight !`
'Jab Tum Kaho' has been directed by Vikram Shankar and stars Parvin Dabas, Ambalika Sarkar and Shirin Guha in pivotal roles. It has been produced by Vikram Shankar and Rajiv Kumar with music by Shankar Mahadevan and Mohit Chauhan. The film is set for release on February 26, 2016.
Monday, February 29, 2016 13:44 IST