It has been four years since Anuj Sachdeva last worked with Bollywood diva, Anushka Sharma, his co-star from the famous Nivea ad. Anuj was elated when she sent him a message wishing him good luck for his Bollywood debut Love Shagun.
In the video message Anushka wished Anuj `all the success` and said that she `cannot wait to watch the film`!
On the other hand Anuj was humbled by such nice words and wrote, `I have always admired her as a woman and as an actress- the way she has carved her niche on her own, made films on her own terms and most of all, been a trendsetter and a role model for several young women who are scared to follow their dreams.` He further added,` It is my good fortune that on the occasion of my big screen debut she sends me out good wishes.`
Anuj has a tremendous fan following as a TV actor, and his fans are eagerly waiting to see him debut on the silver screen.
Love Shagun is directed by Saandesh Nayak.
Monday, February 29, 2016 13:49 IST