Recently the showman of Bollywood Subhash Ghai had a rendezvous with the honorable Prime Minister of Nepal - Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli at Manisha Koirala's high-tea event in Mumbai. The grand event was a private affair and was attended by the many Bollywood celebrities like Govinda,Tabu along with other politicians and officials.
A little birdie from the private event spilled some inside details about this unofficial meeting between the filmmaker and the Prime Minister, and informed that the two gentlemen were seen engrossed in talks about their views on improving ways to make Nepal a Cinema friendly destination.
It is heard that the ace director has proposed to the PM of Nepal to create more facilities in their country for filmmakers to come and showcase the enchanting beauty of Nepal. Subhash Ghai also had an opinion that Nepal should go ahead and market to the world about how beautiful and mesmerizing their country is.
Wednesday, March 02, 2016 12:37 IST