Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has revealed he has begun preparing for his next collaboration with filmmaker Shoojit Sircar. The yet-untitled film will also star "Baby" actress Tapsee Pannu. The 73-year-old actor calls the movie "dramatic".
"Preparing for the next one... dramatic! for Shoojit Sirkar...," Bachchan wrote on Twitter. Alongside the post, the actor shared a picture of probably his look in the movie, produced by Sircar and directed by National award-winner Aniruddha Roy Chowdhary.
Wearing glasses and a suit-tie, Bachchan seemingly sports a corporate look. This is Bachchan's third outing with Sircar after "Shoebite" and "Piku".
While "Shoebite" is yet to see the light of day, Bachchan earned numerous best actor awards for his performance of a cranky ageing father in last year's "Piku".
Both the movies were directed by Sircar but did not have as a producer.
Friday, March 04, 2016 14:14 IST