Uttam Gada who wrote Naseeruddin Shah's directorial debut Yun Hota To Kya Hota is an angry man.
In an open letter to Naseer posted on Gada's website the writer claims the director has completely distorted and destroyed his original screenplay.
Writes Gada, "My question to you Mr Shah is, if you loved the script what was the need for you to re-write yourself (sic.) almost eighty percent of the script?....what was the
need to arbitrarily change the stories and screw up the entire narrative structure?...If you possess the writing skills ...why not write one on your own?"
The incensed writer claims his original screenplay entitled Udaan contained no lines like the character Hemant threatening to show his sister his "exploitation tool."
"I don't write lines like these," thunders Gada.
But Naseer is not biting the bitter bait. He responds, "I've kept the story structure and character scheme (from Gada's script). But I've drastically altered his original
screenplay because I felt the film needed it. I solicited Gada's co-operation in the matter. But he wasn't agreeable. So I had to make the changes myself."
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 13:09 IST