Ever since its release, Sanam Teri Kasam directed by Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao and presented by Eros International has been receiving rave reviews for its performances and music. The talented duo Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao who have a keen eye for romantic stories have churned out a romantic blockbuster with this film. The movie not only served as the perfect launchpad for the lead pair Harshvardhan Rane and Mawra Hocane but also had the fans going completely gaga over the film's music!
The music yet continues to resonate with fans, so much so, that the title track, Sanam Teri Kasam and Kheech Meri Photo have crossed 1 crore views on Youtube. The melodious music compositions of Himesh Reshammiya and the voices of Arijit Singh, Ankit Tiwari, Neeti Mohan, Akasa Singh, Darshan Raval& Palak Muchhal have definitely caught the audience's fancy!
Guess this musical ballad will stay with us forever!
Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:00 IST