On late Tuesday night, Deepika Padukone was seen exiting a Los Angeles hotspot with tennis ace Novak Djokovic in tow. Interesting, right? But what's more interesting is that leading British newspaper, Daily Mail, which published snaps of the two getting into the same car post their "dinner date" along with a detailed account of their clothes, failed to recognise the actress.
It wrote, "The world number one tennis player appeared to have had a great night as he was pictured exiting the bar - popular among LA's A-lister set - in the dark hours of the evening with a female companion." As the report started doing the rounds of social media, netizens went berserk and trolled the daily, which later made necessary changes on its website.
Deepika Padukone exited a bar with Djokovic?
Indian Reaction: "Why you need firang tennis player? Our Paes is not good enough you desdrohi?"
Foreign media didn't recognize Deepika Padukone, probably because they don't get up early morning to watch Filmfare like we watch Oscars
Foreign journalists have failed to identify Deepika Padukone. Possibly because only Indians watch the godawful movies she stars in.
Deepika is now in the US for her debut Hollywood project, 'xXx: The Return Of Xander Cage' starring Vin Diesel.
The actress is a tennis fan and was present at the Djokovic v/s Roger Federer game at Wimbledon 2016. Deepika Padukone and a few other Bollywood stars had also played with Federer and Djokovic at an exhibition match in Delhi last December.
Saturday, March 12, 2016 16:16 IST