Sonakshi Sinha, who was at Mehboob Studios recently, had to fulfill a special wish from one of her fans. On completion of a shoot, one of her team members informed her that a fan had been patiently waiting to meet her. When Sona met him, he insisted that she take a snapshot of him.
Usually fans take selfies with the star, but being physically challenged, he was happy if the star could take his snapshot. Sona was taken aback and instead told him they take a picture together. The actress surely made her little fan's day. She was also spotted chatting with the fan who told her a bit about his life story.
The actress was touched by his heart-warming story and told him to meet her again when she was back in the studios for a shoot at a later date. Meanwhile, Sona is prepping for the shoot of her upcoming action flick, Force 2.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 15:00 IST