Shah Rukh Khan is touched by the trailer of filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor's upcoming film 'Dhanak', which was released on Wednesday. The actor congratulated the two child actors in the film over social media.
'Dhanak' tells the story of a brother and sister, aged eight and ten, who traverse across Rajasthan to fulfill a promise the elder sister made to her little brother.
The film is about a young girl going out in a search of superstar Shah Rukh Khan with her younger brother (Chotu), who is blind.
After watching the trailer of the film, Shah Rukh took to Twitter on Wednesday to wish luck to the cast of the film.
"My best wishes to these beautiful kids and to Nagesh and Elahe (Hiptoola)," he tweeted.
'Dhanak' was honoured with The Grand Prix of the Generation Kplus International Jury for the best feature-length film at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival.
The film is slated to release on June 10 in India.
Saturday, April 09, 2016 08:00 IST