A rumor has it! Sheetal Khandal who rose to fame with Gehna in 'Balika Vadhu' will replace Shilpa Shinde aka Angoori in sitcom 'Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai'. Earlier it was rumored that makers have approached Rashami Desai and Sucheta Khanna for the role. But now according to the reports - Sheetal Khandal has been roped in to portray the role. The actress has also done mock shoot for the show.
Actress Shilpa Shinde has quit popular comedy show, alleging that the makers `mentally tortured` her, which has prompted the production house to send a legal notice accusing her of breach of contact.
The 28-year-old actress, who played Angoori Bhabhi on the show, said the problem started when the makers asked her to sign a contract that would bar her from doing other shows.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:00 IST