Sony Entertainment Television's upcoming show, The Kapil Sharma Show is definitely one of the most awaited shows of the year. The multi-talented ensemble cast is known for their quirky sense of humour and impeccable timing. Now joining the powerhouse performers is the gorgeous Rochelle Rao who wowed the audience with her previous television outings.
Rochelle will be seen adding the glam quotient to the show. The pretty actor will be seen in the role of a hot nurse. Speaking the same, Rochelle said, `People saw different aspects of my personality in my previous shows. The Kapil Sharma Show will now give me the opportunity to take that forward. I am hoping to carry on the other side of me, which is funny and emotional. It will also help me grow as an actor. My nurse character on it will portray a glamourous side, but I won't be going overboard as one can't flaunt that too much on the show, which requires you to be funny and silly."
To know what Kapil and his squad have in store for the audience, tune-in to The Kapil Sharma Show premiering 23rd April at 9pm only on Sony Entertainment Television
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:51 IST