The talented actor Darshan Kumar who has showcased his exceptional acting skills in his previous movies will be seen in a very distinctive and important role in Omung Kumar's upcoming biopic 'Sarbjit'. The actor will be portraying the role of, Awais Sheikh a Pakistani lawyer who left no stone unturned to get justice for Sarbjit. Darshan who is doing his second biopic with national award winner Omung Kumar is known to be going beyond his limits to get into the character.
A source close to the fine actor revealed that as Darshan is playing a Pakistani lawyer, most of his dialogues required him to speak in pure Urdu. The hardworking actor who hails from a Jat family had never spoken authentic Urdu but for the perfection of the role, the actor learnt the basic Urdu Words and accent too. It is also known that to get an in-depth knowledge of his character Darshan had frequently been in touch with the real Awais Sheikh who is currently in Sweden.
To know the lawyers body language and speech Darshan used to watch his videos unlimited times and also stunned Mr. Sheik when he saw Darshan's look in the movie for the first time. That's not all! Once when Awais Sheikh had interaction with Darshan, he had offered him to give help in learning urdu but to his surprise the fine actor Darshan already had mastered the accent and was also the first person to pronounce the lawyer's name precisely.
Talking more about it, Darshan Kumar said, "I have been to Pakistan couple of times for my theatre shows, while staying in Lahore i had interacted with locals quite often so i had few images in my mind on how their body language and accent is. During that time i discovered that a lot of them speak Urdu with a touch of Punjabi language and my friends who were based there helped me to catch the language. That's how i gained my initial knowledge and then it was all about mugging the dialogues and doing continuous rehearsals.
Monday, April 18, 2016 12:34 IST