Hrithik Roshan is all set to start shooting for Sanjay Gupta's film 'Kaabil' opposite Yami Gautam. A source says, "The movie went on floors some time ago, however, Hrithik joined the crew a little later. Hrithik and Sanjay have had many meetings and have got along well with each other. In fact Gupta is fond of him and is in awe of his physique."
Hrithik is one of the fittest actors in the industry and Gupta wishes to learn a trick or two from him. A source says, "Gupta admires his fitness regime. So when he met Hrithik, he requested the actor to share some fitness tips as well as his diet plan. Hrithik happily agreed and shared his fitness mantra with the the director."
Sunday, April 24, 2016 11:00 IST