Priyanka Chopra has been announced the eBay India Style Diva for the year 2006 by eBay, India's leading
online marketplace.
In an online poll through June and July, the 2 million strong eBay India community chose Priyanka as the
unanimous winner and Style Diva. Shea beat Kareena Kapoor and Bipasha Basu to win the ‘coveted'
Dressed in a tiny denim skirt and a sparkly spaghetti top, the former Miss World, looked happy to be
getting the award. She secured 48 per cent of the total votes.
"I'm flattered to be given this title. I've personally used eBay to pick up CDs in the past. And to think that
I've been chosen and voted for by so many users is very thrilling. It feels great to reach out to millions of
people through eBay."
Priyanka also announced an opportunity for all Indians to take part in a charity auction and raise funds for
the education of the girl child through an NGO, Nanhi Kali. One fortunate buyer on eBay will get to spend a
day with Priyanka on the sets of her forthcoming film.
Saturday, August 12, 2006 13:28 IST