So this, however, is the right way to go about it:
Where to Find your mate:
Parties, Marriages or hang out of a group of friends. Especially that places that were female includes like vacations, holidays, birthday bashes and dance clubs.
Whom to select:
Find a girl who usually trying to be noticed. Women who want wants to have fun all night will be one to settle down with.
What Girls Wants:
Women like sex too, and you shouldn't be deprived just because you have yet to meet your match.
Watch your first step:
If you want to call yourself a gentleman make it all clear all about the night before it all started whether you are going to in touch are else it's just a fun matter to both of you.
Signal to start:
When she suggests-or agrees with your suggestion-that you go to another level. It can be mutual understanding for both of you as you are quite young enough to take your responsibilities.
Where to execute the plan:
The best place is to go to her place, not yours. She'll be more comfortable and she can trust you as it's her place.
The Exit plan:
When it's time to go, just kiss on the cheek and a say the last message as you no longer going to be in touch with her. "I had a really fun time with you" is the perfect exit line. as it contains no promise or any future engagements.