The makers of Udta Punjab recently launched the soulful number `Ik Kudi` from the film. Picturised on Alia Bhatt who plays the role of an aspiring hockey player and sung by the talented Diljit Donsanjh, the song is an inspiration to those who want to fulfill their dreams! Actress Alia Bhatt took to social media and shot for a cute video where she not only spoke about her dream to be an actress but also encouraged her fans to pursue their goals and live life to the fullest!
Boasting of a stellar star cast consisting Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Diljit Dosanjh, Udta Punjab is set to redefine the way we look at multi-starrers today.
Balaji Motion pictures presents Udta Punjab, a Phantom production, directed by Abhishek Chaubey, releasing on 17th June, 2016.
Monday, May 16, 2016 18:00 IST