The ever polite Amisha Patel, as we all know her, was seen doing a complete volte-face at the Mumbai airport. A
police complaint has been filed by the Air India staffer who claimed that Amisha had threatened
It all happened when Amisha Patel and her friend Sejal Shah who wanted a frequent flier upgrade for the AI
191, Mumbai-Paris-Newark. Amisha was upgraded. But as her girlfriend was not a frequent flier, the airline
officials said they cannot do anything about it.
At this Amisha reportedly said .. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll give your a tight slap." Patel then starting
spewing abuse and said she would teach Singh (the official) a lesson. "I'll tell Praful Patel about this and
see that you lose your job," she allegedly said.
The two women were allegedly so foul-mouthed that other passengers were provoked into summoning the
security guards of the CISF.
Amisha Patel who was contacted in Paris by a reputed Indian newspaper was shocked. "They are only
trying to safeguard themselves by filing such a false complaint against us. We kept on telling the ground
staff about a drunken fat man who was misbehaving with us but they did not pay any heed to our
Even the lady at the counter was rude to us." Maybe we have to wait for her story to
know more about the "The Drunken Fat Man".
If you are a big shot in India, its a common story. You get around lot of rules by threatening to use your
high contacts. And that is why people at higher places always get preferential treatment.
But the
fact that a police complaint was filed against Amisha Patel is an indication that celebrities will get undue
unwanted media attention and these kind of drama over small things will continue to be in the limelight for a
few days.
And then finally all of a sudden these stories will disappear. Amicably settled. Till then
enjoy the masala.
Monday, August 21, 2006 13:25 IST