SHORGUL is a Political Drama, based on real life incidents that rocked the Nation with headlining news in the past. The Film is set on the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh bringing to light the sensitive subject of Intolerance that took centre stage in the media. The film brings out the aspect of political mind games among high profile dignitaries. This is a hard hitting poster that shows the background filling up with actual newspaper articles that were published in the recent past on these issues and the rising chaos (Shorgul) in the environment.
The screen is dashed by a pelted stone, symbolizing the communal tension that such news builds for the common man. With a novel approach to the presentation of first look of this film, we are already awaiting the trailer that releases on 26th May!
Releasing on June 24th 2016, the #Shorgul NOW BEGINS!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 11:51 IST