The film, which also has Sunny Leone in a special number, revolves around the ups and downs that a family goes through in today's chaotic world. Produced by Sammy Magic cinema, Luv U Alia is slated to release on June 17 and is distributed by IGI Resonance.
Sunday, May 29, 2016 16:00 IST
The star cast of Luv U Alia - Bhumika Chawla, superstar V Ravichandran and Sudeep, Chandan Kumar, Sangeeta Chauhan and Sayali Shinde - and producer Sammy Nanwani have been going all out to promote their much-awaited film.
The film, which also has Sunny Leone in a special number, revolves around the ups and downs that a family goes through in today's chaotic world. Produced by Sammy Magic cinema, Luv U Alia is slated to release on June 17 and is distributed by IGI Resonance.
The film, which also has Sunny Leone in a special number, revolves around the ups and downs that a family goes through in today's chaotic world. Produced by Sammy Magic cinema, Luv U Alia is slated to release on June 17 and is distributed by IGI Resonance.