There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma's Sultan. And now, much to his fans delight, Salman Khan shared his version of the Haryanvi hip-hop number Baby Nu Bass Pasand Hai yesterday for his fans. Interestingly, the actor's alleged girlfriend, Iulia Vantur, has rendered the female portion of the song. The credits of the song read: 'Singer: Salman Khan, Iulia Vantur, Ishita'.
The original version of the song has been sung by Vishal Dadlani, Shalmali Kholgade, Ishita and Badshah and the music is by music director duo Vishal-Shekhar. In fact, Shekhar heaped praises on the actor when she shared his version of the song. He said, `Sir, u've always outdone yourself in whatever u do.. Acting, Dancing, Singing.. Iulia & u should do this more often!(sic)`
Saturday, June 04, 2016 23:01 IST