Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan can breathe a sigh of relief. A Delhi court has dismissed a complaint seeking registration of a police case against the stars for allegedly hurting religious sentiments by entering the set of a temple wearing shoes while shooting for the promo of the reality show, 'Bigg Boss 9', last year.
SRK and Sallu had courted controversy after the shoot. The court had earlier reserved its order after hearing arguments of the complainant who had questioned the action taken report (ATR) filed by the Delhi police in which the megastars were given a clean chit.
In the ATR, police had said that Shah Rukh and Salman were shooting at a makeshift temple which was part of a studio and had no intention to hurt religious sentiments. The idea was to show them reuniting on the sets of Kali Mandir in a similar manner as they had reunited in their film 'Karan Arjun' (1995).
Thursday, June 09, 2016 23:00 IST