For a long time now, speculations have been rife that Shahid Kapoor might not be able to promote his upcoming film, 'Udta Punjab', as he wants to be beside his pregnant wife Mira Rajput. However, the makers had gone on record to rubbish the rumours. Now, we hear that the actor gave a recent screening of the film a miss in spite of being free at that time.
Says a source, "The makers had organised a screening for the cast and crew on Monday night around 10-10.30 pm, but Shahid didn't turn up as he was busy shooting for a brand endorsement."
Adds another source, "Shahid had informed the makers about his unavailability due to his prior work commitments but what's fishy is that he wrapped up the brand endorsement shoot around 9.30 pm and had time to make it to the screening, but he chose to give it a miss."
The film, which was scheduled to release on June 17, might be pushed because of the Censor Board trouble it is facing.
Shahid Kapoor's spokesperson says, `Shahid has already seen the film in an earlier screening and has loved it. Unfortunately, his ad shoot at Mehboob studios ran beyond the stipulated time and so, he couldn't make it for the screening this time.`
Thursday, June 09, 2016 13:30 IST