Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan today said his statement that southern megastar Rajinikanth's film "Kabali" has stolen the poster of his upcoming film "Madaari" was a mere joke.
"I respect Rajinikanth ji as a human and as an actor and what I said about the poster was a joke. I want to clarify that the poster which I talked about was made by one of his fan clubs," Irrfan told reporters here.
During a promotional event of "Madaari" in Mumbai, Irrfan had said makers of Rajnikanth's film stole the poster of his upcoming movie.
Both the posters feature the lead actors, Irrfan and Rajinikanth, with numerous buildings and skyscrapers placed horizontally on them.
Talking about "Madaari", Irrfan said the movie is about the realization of an individual that there is a hero inside him.
"The movie is about the system we live in and if we do not question the wrongs, it starts serving those who run it."
Thursday, June 30, 2016 11:11 IST