Actor Shraddha Kapoor will be based in Delhi for the next one month. The 27-year-old is shooting for her upcoming film here, alongside actor Arjun Kapoor and is loving her time in the Capital.
Talking about her Delhi connection, Shraddha says, `I have spent a lot of time in Delhi as a kid because a lot of my relatives stay here. So, it's my second home. But, this is for the first time that I am staying here for such a long time to shoot for my film.` The Mumbai girl is happy that since her coming to the city, the temperature has fallen. `Since the rains came, the weather has become better. We are having a blast shooting,` says Shraddha, who was last seen in Baaghi alongside actor Tiger Shroff.
Shraddha was also in the news recently when she injured herself during the shoot. The actor plays a basketball player in the film and ended up hurting her ankle. However this has not deterred her and she is continuing to shoot.
`Shraddha hurt herself recently but she is determined to not let this affect the shoot. While she is not over-exerting, she is also not taking any days off,` adds the source.
Friday, July 01, 2016 14:30 IST